The School of Animal Reiki & Energy Healing 

Bringing Energy Therapies, Healing and Mindfulness to Animals and their People


Learn with Us

As a leading and well-established provider of Animal Reiki training, we offer courses for everyone, from complete beginners to aspiring experts. No prior experience is needed—just a love for animals! Whether you’re looking to deepen your connection with your pets or become a certified Animal Reiki Practitioner, our programs cover Levels 1-3, with advanced topics available for those already qualified. Perfect for devoted pet parents who want to nurture both their human and animal family with the healing power of Reiki.

Guide To Courses



Beginners and Animal Guardians




Master Level and Advanced Training


The Let Animals Lead® Method

Tutor Alison McKinnon is a complementary therapist for both people and animals. With 23 years of Reiki experience and 13 years of teaching The Let Animals Lead® Method in the Uk and abroad she  was personally trained by Kathleen Prasad, the founder of The Let Animals Lead® Method.she brings a wealth of knowledge to her students. Alison also serves as a director of SARA (The Shelter Animal Reiki Association), Kathleen’s nonprofit organization. SARA contributes both funding and thousands of volunteer hours to animal shelters worldwide, supporting the well-being of rescued animals, long-term residents, and shelter staff through it’s Reiki program.

Embrace a Natural Lifestyle with Us!


Where the term ‘holistic’ originates. Holistic human, holistic pet we are all one,. Coming from the term wholism it means we need to look at the whole picture mind, body , sprit and what our lifestyle does to nourish and support all aspects or to negativley impact our wellbeing.

Reiki & Energy Healing

Animals are highly sensitive to energy, they pick up on our thoughts and intentions and they can impact our own energy in a positive, sometimes miraculous way. Animal senses far outreach human and that includes the ability to detect and interact with natural life force energy (Ki).

Food as Therapy

Experts generally agree that fresh, real, species appropriate food is best for optimum health. Energetically appropriate is even better. Feed your pet’s unique constitution while supporting digestive function and their microbiome.
Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are ancient systems that have passed down the wisdom of eating for lifelong health and vitality.

Aromatic & Botanical Medicine

Animals possess an extraordinary innate wisdom that guides them to seek out and select therapeutic elements in their environment—such as the healing aromatic compounds found in plants—instinctively knowing what their bodies need beyond their everyday diet. This remarkable ability, a testament to nature’s intelligence, has been studied for years and is known as ‘zoopharmacognosy.’

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